Equine Sports & Rehabilitation Massage

"A horse doesn’t care how much you know until he knows how much you care.

Put your hand on your horse and your heart in your hand."

- Pat Parelli -

This quote helps describe the intellectual art of equine massage therapy.  Massage therapy is as much about feel, intuition and care for your horse as it is about knowledge of the horse.  Using palpation and watching the reactions of your horse, I am able to determine where issues lie and then rectify with the use of various techniques and tools.

Massage therapy is a complimentary treatment focussing on the superficial and deep muscle layers to alleviate stiffness and soreness and promote healing.  I will work with you and your horse to ensure the best treatment and after care plans are in place, whatever their discipline or activity level.  I have worked with competition and leisure horses including retirees, and I strongly believe they all deserve the best treatments I can give.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a great prevention tool as well as aiding in recovery from injury.  The benefits of regular massage include:

  • improved circulation and respiration
  • improved range of movement, flexibility and fitness
  • removal of waste and toxins from the body
  • increased muscle tone and condition
  • loosening of stiff and aching joints
  • creation of energy or relaxation  depending on the technique used
  • rehabilitation after injury
  • release of knots, stress points and tension from muscles, tissue and fascia allowing the skeletal frame to settle into it’s natural state
  • improvements in the overall health and wellbeing of your horse!
  • support for the immune system
  • improved proprioception
  • reduced activity of nociceptive pain receptors

I have witnessed the effects of massage on a range of horses from nasal drainage in an asthmatic horse to a favoured limb standing square.  It is so rewarding and never ceases to amaze me.  Your horse will soon settle into the treatment, I generally find that horses appreciate the relief of muscular release and some will work with me leaning into the pressure or adjusting their stance to gain the full benefit of the work. 

I do have some additional tools you might see me use; the "blue tool", my hand held Magboy, red light pen and my Equiball.  I prefer the use of my hands to gain the best feel but these tools do save my hands sometimes and can be really useful where the horse is particularly sensitive.  I also have an Equilibrium massage pad and an Epiony heat pad that I might use to keep muscles warm if it is especially cold, to loosen tension or in preparation on the next horse where I am treating more than one on a yard.

Your horse's emotional, lifestyle, nutritional, exercise and health routines need to be working correctly to help your horse's body heal, repair and maintain itself.  Massage therapy complements these basic requirements and prompts the body to reset itself so it can regain the health and stability of its internal and external systems.

Research shows that massage therapy has a huge benefit for all horses whether retired, leisure or competing - excerpt taken from Mike Scott LMT, CSF and Lee Ann Swenson MSc, BSc's paper published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Volume 29, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 687-697; Evaluating the Benefits of Equine Massage Therapy: A Review of the Evidence and Current Practices To read the full paper click here.

"Every horse deserves to live a happy & comfortable life.

It is our responsibility to do our best for them."

- Me -

Phototherapy or Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy, also know as low level laser or phototherapy, is a great tool for use with any injury or stiffness including joint issues such as arthritis.  It is safe for humans and animals and cannot be over-dosed.

Treatment with red light at specific wavelengths increases and strengthens cell renewal by increasing circulation and the formation of new capillaries.  These new capillaries speed up the healing process as they can carry more oxygen and nutrients to the injured area and transport waste and toxins away quicker.

Red light therapy activates the release of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the largest carrier of energy to cells increasing chemical reactions to allow the cells to use nutrients faster and remove waste more efficiently.  RLT also stimulates the production of collagen and this can have a positive impact on scar reduction.

Some horses will experience the benefits of RLT in one treatment while others may take up to 3 weeks.  It does depend on the injury of the issue, for example, arthritis will require ongoing treatment while a stress point in a muscle can react immediately. 

I will incorporate phototherapy into my treatments as I see necessary while I am with your horse.

If you are interested in long term use, please contact me to discuss your requirements.

My Services

Full Assessment & Treatment

Static and dynamic assessments followed by a whole body treatment lasting approximately 1.5 - 2 hours, including follow-up exercises and a full, detailed report emailed to you.

This is my most popular service.

Bit, Bridle & Bodywork Breakthrough

My signature program where we will work in-depth on your horse, to get them to their absolute best.  What's included?  Full assessments - static, dynamic & ridden, bridle fitting session including measuring for the exact fit, a full body treatment before your bitting consultation, a follow up treatment afterwards to fully release those niggly areas and, finally, a bit review to make sure your new bit is working as it should.

Relaxation Massage

A slow, quiet treatment designed to promote relaxation in your horse. This treatment can also help relax horses that can be hard to handle and help nervous riders feel happier about getting in the saddle. Basic report produced while I am with you.

Red Light Therapy

Used as part of a standard massage or as a stand alone treatment, red light therapy is proven to aid healing by encouraging the renewal of cells.  

NB - this must not be used if there is any reason to suspect a tumour.

Mini Massage Course

An in-person course for children to learn some basic massage techniques and stretches to perform with their pony.  Perfect to add a little something different to a Pony Day at your riding school or a Pony Party at home.  Also suitable for equine facilitated learning venues.  DBS certificate available on request.  Handouts and certificates issued.


Your Appointment

Useful info about to expect during your appointment including background details that I will be asking for.  Worth a read for prior preparation!

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Here are a list of contraindications that may mean I am unable to treat your horse.  This list is non-exhaustive and if there is any doubt as to whether your horse can undergo a treatment, please contact me to chat about it so we can work out what's best for your horse.

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Terms & Conditions

 Please take a moment to have a read through my T&C's.  There is info in there about vet's, fees, data and other useful to know stuff to help you get the best out of your appointment.

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